Beyond Time & Space
- Are there more than four dimensions to physical reality?
- Is it possible to traverse time as well as space?
- Is there a reality beyond our traditional concepts of time and space?
The startling discovery of modern science is that our physical universe is actually finite. Scientists now acknowledge that the universe had a beginning. They call the singularity from which it all began the "Big Bang."
While the detail among the many variants of these theories remain quite controversial, the fact that there was a definite beginning has gained widespread agreement. This is, of course, what the Bible has maintained throughout its 66 books.
This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings.
Copyright © 07-30-2010Details
Available in the following formats:
Audio CD:- Digital Audio CD(s)
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
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- Digital Audio Files on Disc
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Video Files
- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
| Chuck Missler | DVD | KI Course Material | Science