Learn the Bible in 24 Hours
The Ultimate Literary Adventure
Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written?
Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information–providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large.
Examine the heroic tales of Exodus, the lasting wisdom of Proverbs, or even the enigmatic imagery of Revelation with the simple, Scripturally sound insights and fresh perspectives found in Learn the Bible in 24 Hours. Whether you want to explore some of the less-discussed nuances of Scripture or you need a comprehensive refresher course on the Bible’s themes and stories, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours is a great guide.
Dr. Missler combines his life-long love of Bible teaching with more than thirty successful years in the business world and a distinguished military career to bring you this unique perspective for attaining Biblical knowledge. In just twenty-four hours you can have a rock-solid foundation for a lifetime of spiritual enrichment.
Video Download includes English and Spanish subtitles.
Enhance your study with the Learn The Bible Workbook (printed version) or as a Workbook Download. (These are to be used in conjunction with the audio/multimedia materials as an aid to study)
Copyright © 2017
Session Info.
- Hour 1: Introduction
- Hour 2: The Creation & The Fall of Man (Genesis 1-3)
- Hour 3: The Prehistorical Period (Genesis 4-11)
- Hour 4: The Patriarchs (Genesis 12-50)
- Hour 5: The Birth of the Nation — (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
- Hour 6: In the Land (Joshua, Judges, Ruth)
- Hour 7: The Monarchy (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles)
- Hour 8: The Poetical Books — (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiates, Song of Songs)
- Hour 9: The Book of Daniel
- Hour 10: Post-Exile History — (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther)
- Hour 11: The Major Prophets — (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel)
- Hour 12: The Minor Prophets
- Hour 13: How Sure Can We Be? (Intro to New Test.)
- Hour 14: The New Testament (How We Got our Bible)
- Hour 15: The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
- Hour 16: The Final Week
- Hour 17: The Book of Acts
- Hour 18: Paul’s Definitive Doctrinal Summary — (Romans)
- Hour 19: Paul’s Church and Pastoral Epistles
- Hour 20: The Hebrew Epistles — (Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, I, II, & III John, Jude)
- Hour 21: Eschatological Summary (Thessalonians)
- Hour 22: The Once and Future Church — (Revelation 1-3)
- Hour 23: Seals, Trumpets, Bowls, Triumph — (Revelation 4-22)
- Hour 24: Conclusion
Now also available as a Group Study Pack!
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Hour 1 of 24: Introduction
Available in the following formats:
Audiobook Download:- Digital Audio Files
- Digital Audio CD(s)
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
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- Digital Audio Files on Disc
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Audio Files on Disc
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Video Files
- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
101 Basics | Acts | Amos | Chronicles | Chuck Missler | Colossians | Commentary | Corinthians | Daniel | Deuteronomy | DVD | Ecclesiastes | Ephesians | Esther | Exodus | Ezekiel | Ezra | Featured | Galatians | Genesis | Habakkuk | Haggai | hearing impaired | Hebrews | Hosea | Isaiah | James | Jeremiah | Job | Joel | John | Jonah | Joshua | Jude | Judges | KI Course Material | Kings | Lamentations | Leviticus | LTB24Hrs | Luke | Malachi | Mark | Matthew | Micah | Multi-language | Nahum | Nehemiah | New Testament | Numbers | Obadiah | Old Testament | Peter | Philemon | Philippians | Proverbs | Psalms | remastered | Revelation | Romans | Ruth | Samuel | Song of Solomon | Thessalonians | Timothy | Titus | Zechariah | Zephaniah