Tradition: Exploring the Roots of Church Traditions - Book

Tradition: Exploring the Roots of Church Traditions - Book

Koinonia House Inc.

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A captivating and often startling exposé filled with historical intrigue. It will leave the reader stunned at what has been manifested in the dark halls of history since the first-century church. This book is fast-paced and shocking in its examination of various man-made church traditions which have, far too often, strayed from clear Scriptural mandates. Bob Cornuke will reveal hidden secrets of the past and point the way out of the malaise of manufactured traditions by setting compass, rudder, and sails aimed directly at God’s authoritative Word. The presentation of historical facts and characters in this book will amaze, inspire, and may even cause intellectual whiplash. 

Publication Date: 2018


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Archaeology  |  Bob Cornuke  |  ebook  |  Israel  |  Occult  |  Traditions

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