Alien Encounters - Book
ISBN-13: 978-1578212057
ISBN-10: 1578212057
Alien Encounters is the result of years of research into the history of UFO sightings, reports of alien abduction, and the struggle between Good and Evil. It confronts the issues head-on and offers answers to many of the most pertinent questions confronting mankind. Questions such as:- What is behind UFO sightings?
- Are they real?
- Where are they from?
- What does the Bible say about them?
- Are they friendly or hostile?
The answers to these questions and their implications are even more shocking than the events themselves. Behind the hype, the hoaxes, and the government disinformation lies a reality so astonishing that the original publisher was too shocked to follow through with the book.
However, the reality remains: your personal destiny and that of your family may depend upon how you deal with the strange events that may soon take place.
Are you prepared for an encounter? If these things are real, it will lead to the biggest challenge ever faced by mankind. There is increasing evidence that what lies behind these strange events will shortly affect every living person on this planet.
Audiobook read by Gordon Russell
Copyright © 02-01-2003

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